Hi There, The title of this entry is definitely not about Lion King. Hehe.. it is about "No Worries" Yup! Hakuna - MaTaTa = it means no worries... Many housewife, working wife and moms cracking their head on how to get their FULL refrigerator smell-free. Here are 13 tips to keep your refrigerator FREE from odour and FRESH 24/7:- 1. Clean it Up 2. Keep a lid on it for leftovers 3. Throw all spoiled, rotten & molded food 4. Put some baking soda or some wintergreen oil in a small plastic container. Place the container uncovered for a few days in your refrigerator. 5. Leave a lime (cut into halves) or some charcoal in your refrigerator for a couple of days. 6. Wet a small towel with some water. Then, put a few drops of vanilla or rose essence on the towel. Use the towel to wipe the inner wall of your refrigerator. 7. Mix a teaspoon of soda bicarbonate with some warm water. Use the mixture to wash the inner part of your refrigerator. Then, rinse it using s...
Hi There, HICCUPS. Happens to everyone from baby to old folks. In this blog i would like to share some home remedies on how to stop a hiccups mainly for babies and for adults too. But before that, let me share this fact that i get from Wikipedia on facts and causes. A hiccup is an esophageal contraction of the diaphragm that repeats several times per minute. In humans, the abrupt rush of air into the lungs causes the epiglottis to close, creating a "hic" sound. In medicine it is known as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF), or singultus, from the Latin singult, "the act of catching one's breath while sobbing". The hiccup is an involuntary action involving a reflex arc. A bout of hiccups, in general, resolves itself without intervention, although many home remedies claim to shorten the duration, and medical treatment is occasionally necessary in cases of chronic hiccups. Hiccups are caused by many central and peripheral nervous system disorders, all fro...